10 Ways To Find Your Balance
Life is a balancing act — everything is always in constant motion and let’s be honest, finding and managing your balance can be tricky....

Introducing LYOLYTE™ | Our Lyocell Underwear Collection
Introducing LYOLYTE™, our new underwear collection, made following the sustainable Lyocell process. We have developed our very own exclusive blend using our signature organically-grown...

4 Ways Music Can Help You Sleep Better
Did you know that sleep is the third pillar of health? Nutrition, exercise and sleep combined are crucial to healthy living. What is also...

How to write effective intentions
They don't need to be long or detailed, just something meaningful to you. Once you have created your intention, you will find that you...

What does eco sexuality actually mean?
If you haven’t heard of eco-sexuality, you’re certainly not alone! It is basically an umbrella term for those who view nature as ‘lover earth’...

Sustainable Gifts That Show How Much You Care
This Valentine's Day we’re celebrating comfort, care and love combined. What better way to show appreciation for your loved one, yourself as well as...

The Boody Holiday Mode Playlist
It's been a big year and we're ready to turn holiday mode ON. You too? The Boody team have put together a playlist featuring...

10 Local Destinations To Spend Your Summer Holidays At
The travel opportunities that lay at our doorstep are often taken for granted. We often talk about summer holidays far away but forget that...

Have yourself a Merry Sustainable Christmas
And just like that, it’s that time of year again. Christmas and the holiday season is officially upon us and after a year like...