We live in a busy world. From juggling work and play to making time for both friends and family, sometimes it can be hard to keep up. This is why it’s so important to #FindYourDowntime after a busy day.
Whether it’s finding time to practise yoga and meditation or kicking back in some comfy lounge and sleepwear watching Netflix, here’s how to relax when you get home and why it’s important.
How to relax when you get home
1. Practise yoga and meditation
If there’s one thing the east has taught the west, it’s the hidden powers of mindfulness. Practising both yoga and meditation has a range of proven benefits to both your mental and physical health, including increased flexibility and strength, lower blood pressure and improved heart and mental health.
This same research also shows that yoga affects cardiovascular health, lowering your heart rate. After a hectic day full of deadlines and caffeine fixes, stretching and breathing it out is just the ticket to manage stress and feel calmer.
2. Slip into something more comfortable
Whether you work in a corporate or creative environment, chances are you look forward to getting home and changing from your daily attire to something more comfy and breathable. That’s unless you work from home and get to wear your PJs all day long (lucky thing!).
Our range of women's loungewear and sleepwear is ideal for slipping into when you get home after a long day. Take a long hot bath or shower before treating your skin to the softness of our sustainable downtime wear. From our Goodnight Sleep Cami and Goodnight Sleep Shorts to our Downtime Lounge Top and Downtime Lounge Pants, these cosy bamboo pieces are packed full of benefits.
3. Invest in a quality, comfy sofa
The importance of a good quality sofa is not to be underestimated. Not that we’re saying it’s good to be a couch potato all the time, but kicking back and relaxing is all part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle! So when it comes to putting your feet up and catching up with your favourite Netflix shows, why not do it in comfort?
Our friends at Koala might be best known for their comfy and sustainable mattresses, but have you ever tried the Koala Sofa? All the materials used are from sustainable sources, including the timber which has an FSC certification. Long enough for a tall person to lie down and wide enough for two people to spoon comfortably, the Koala Sofa is an essential for every home.
4. Write down your thoughts
Do you remember writing a diary when you were younger? Or perhaps you had a flair for poetry as a teen. Why not channel back into that creative flow by jotting down your thoughts at the end of the day. This doesn’t have to have a structure, nor do you ever have to show it to anyone. The benefits of journaling are endless, so it’s a great habit to get into when you get home.
5. Get back to nature
We all know how it great it feels to be outside. From breathing in the fresh air to feeling the warmth of the sun against our skin, connecting to the great doors has all sorts of health benefits. But did you know how simply looking at images of nature can help lower stress and anxiety? This is perfect for those of us living in built-up cities to have a regular dose of stress relief.
Factor in an evening walk around the park to round off your day with a dose of nature. If you’re lucky enough to live close to the beach, take a stroll along the sand, close your eyes, focus on your breath and feel the pressures of the day be swept away with the waves.
6. Write a list
For the more organised among us, writing lists is an essential part of day-to-day life. But we’re not talking about work-related lists here – leave that stuff for the day! Instead, why not try writing a list for everything in your life that means something to you or that you’re passionate about?
From the people you care about to what it is that drives you to get up each day, list it out and feel uplifted. Many people find writing a list for things they’re grateful for not only lifts their spirits, but it can reduce stress and relax the body and mind, too.
7. Read a book
Out of all the relaxation techniques, breathing exercises and fitness regimes, reading a good old-fashioned book is often enough to help you unwind when you get to the end of your day. Whether you’re a fan of slow-burning romance or fast-paced thrillers, getting lost in a great story is the perfect way to escape any worries you might have.
Extra tip: Put your e-reader or phone away and pick up a physical paperback to reap the benefits of less screen time.
Why it’s important to relax
1. You’ll feel less stressed
An obvious one, but unwinding at the end of the day is essential to your quality of life. Deep breathing, spending time on simple tasks and focusing on muscle relaxation are all great ways to ensuring you don’t feel stressed when you wake up.
2. You’ll think clearer
To be able to perform your best each day, whether at work or in your relationships, it’s important to be able to think clearly. Taking time out each evening to unwind and practise mindfulness will help you go to sleep and wake up with a much clearer head. Bliss.
3. You’ll have better physical and mental health
Chronic stress puts a huge strain on your physical health. Adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine are the three main stress hormones that buzz around your nervous system creating a stress response when faced with taxing situations throughout the day. These can lead to higher blood pressure, an increased risk of heart problems and overall fatigue.
Using the above relaxation techniques will help you tame that dreaded fight or flight response we all have built in. And breathe...
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