We all love a good podcast. Whether we’re after fresh inspiration and motivation or to simply make our work commute a little bit more bearable, podcasts provide expert insight into a range of topics.
But when it comes to finding the podcasts worth your time, it’s hard to know where to start. Ever since Sarah Koenig’s investigative journalism podcast Serial broke download records for a podcast back in 2014, anyone with access to a microphone (which is pretty much everyone who owns a smartphone) has been trying their luck at recording a podcast.
The positive side of this? There’s heaps of fantastic content out there for us all to enjoy. The flip side? It’s getting harder to sift through the not-so-fantastic content to find the really quality podcasts out there.
Because of this, we’ve made it easy for you by rounding up the best podcasts relating to green living, wellness and minimalism. From eco and health tips to living simply and learning to meditate, we’ve got your top podcasts covered.
And just so you know, we're doing our bit here at Boody ito ensure the planet is a wonderful place to live for everyone. How are we doing this? Well, through our sustainable, ethical and eco-friendly clothing for everyone, of course. Find out more.
But in the meantime, happy listening!
1. The Minimalists Podcast
Whether you’re dipping your toes into minimalism or have already donated all your belongings in search for a more Zen way of life, The Minimalists Podcast is your go-to. Founded by Josh and Ryan from the US, The Minimalists Podcast tackles sustainability a little differently. Both self-confessed minimalists themselves, the pair focus on living a life with more meaning by owning fewer things (which in turn has a positive impact on the planet). Find out more.
2. Sustainababble
Who said the topic of sustainability can’t be fun — even funny? Sustainababble is a weekly podcast about the environment, for and by ‘the confused.’ Hosted by OI and Dave — who describe themselves as ‘supposed experts’ on how to save the planet — Sustainababble is a topical, funny and digestible eco podcast that easily makes our best podcasts list. Check it out.
3. 10% Happier with Dan Harris
Newsman for the US ABC, Dan Harris, hit the headlines when he had a panic attack live on Good Morning America. This led him to something he’d always scoffed at previously: meditation. Claiming it changed his life, Dan went on to write the bestselling book 10% Happier, launched an app 10% Happier: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics and now, in his podcast, he tackles the eternal question: Can you be ambitious and still strive for enlightenment? Find out more.
4. Cohesive Home
Describing themselves as “lazy minimalists”, Melissa and Kate are two laid-back moms delving into the topics you most want to hear about it in their podcast, Cohesive Home. Whether it’s family minimalism, adventuring with your kids or balancing family and work, these two besties will help you make parenting fun as you create a happier, simpler home. Their core belief is that by getting rid of all of the clutter, both physical and mental, you’ll allow yourself to live the authentic version of yourself — in turn allowing your family to flourish. Read more about the creative minds behind Cohesive Home.
5. Think: Sustainability
Well-produced and to the point, Think: Sustainability is a 30-min podcast by an Aussie duo. Covering everyday environmental issues we face in our modern world, Think: Sustainability seeks to make you re-evaluate your daily habits and the impact they have on the planet. This homegrown podcast easily makes our list of top podcasts with its digestible focus on contemporary environmental issues and the innovative people out there working to solve them. Learn more.
6. Meditation Oasis
Feeling the stresses of modern day life? Stop, pause and take a deep breath. Meditation Oasis is here to help. This podcast by Mary and Richard Maddux brings you meditations that help you relax deeply, be more present and ‘flow more easily with life’. The pair offers an assortment of guided meditations with and without music, as well as direction for meditations to undertake alone. If meditation has been something you’ve put off because you don’t have enough time, you’ll probably never going to have enough time. This podcast proves why it’s worth trying to make some. Find out more about why Meditation Oasis made our list of best podcasts.
7. Hurdle
Launched in January 2018, Hurdle features individuals who have got through tough times by integrating wellness into their everyday lives. The podcast shows how some of the most fearless and inspirational people got to where they are today because they found themselves with the help of yoga, juicing, meditation, changes to their diet and much more. Hurdle focuses on these stories, with the hope of inspiring you to live a happier and healthier life. Learn more about the brains behind Hurdle, Emily Abbate.
8. Green Dreamer
Kaméa Chayne’s Green Dreamer podcast is an iTunes chart-topper for eco creatives, visionaries and entrepreneurs exploring how to cultivate sustainability in all areas of their lives. Actor-entrepreneur and UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador Adrian Grenier, Bea Johnson of Zero Waste Home and Orsola de Castro of Fashion Revolution are just a few of the pioneers you can hear on the Green Dreamer podcast. Find out more.
9. The Slow Home
In our hectic modern day life, we often wear how busy we are as a badge of honour. We’re overworked, over-stressed and under-rested. Well, not all of us. There’s an ever-growing community of people who are saying no to life in the fast line by slowing down, saying no and simplifying. Brooke McAlary, founder of SlowYourHome.com, is one of them, and in her podcast, she chats to others who have adopted a similar approach to life. Find out more about slowing down in this top podcast.
10. Low Tox Life
Alexx Stuart founded Low Tox Life after experiencing firsthand the lack of transparency in our food system, personal care and cleaning products. The Low Tox Life podcast is an extension of the online community she has built, centred around the concept of living a life that rejects cookie-cutter notions of eco-living. The show covers many ‘low tox’ topics around sustainability, health, fashion, farming, lowering our toxic load and more with a range of experts. Learn more.
11. That’s So Retrograde
Coined the “Ab Fab of the new age”, Elizabeth Kott and Stephanie Simbari — the ladies behind That’s So Retrograde — effortlessly merge pop culture and wellness to bring a blend of modern-day cool to their podcast. The two pals search for their most authentic selves, either by making mistakes or experiencing ‘mindful awakenings’, recording their stories each step of the way and then sharing them in their fun podcast. Steph and Elizabeth deliver conscious conversations and expert interviews with authenticity and humour, with the ultimate goal of guiding themselves and their listeners to ‘their most enlightened path.’ And they have a heap of fun in the process! Find out more.
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Boody x Charlie Evans
Last week, in celebration of our New Nude collection, we hosted a 'nude' art class with @_artbycharlie. Charlie led the class, discussing abstract figurative techniques and started with a drawing exercise, focusing on the lines of the body, shapes, movement, negative and positive space, placing and composition. Our models were in the nude - Boody nudes. They each showcased the new colours and were the drawing focus of the class. Depending on your skin tone, everyone's version of nude is different. We believe that every line, fold, curve, shape, and colour that makes you you is something to celebrate. Our class was inspired by nude being a state of being, not a colour. Discover our collaboration below with images of the day. Shop nudes.

Turn Your Inner Critic Into Your Inner Guide
It’s that voice that says… “No, you can’t do that” “You’re not as good as him/her” “You can’t succeed in achieving your dream” This is the voice of your inner critic. By better understanding the inner critic we can turn this little voice and critical narration in your mind into a positive force, helping us clear the obstacles we face so we can achieve our goals and create the life of our dreams. Why we have an inner critic The inner critic is part of our comfort zone. An ancient survival system, consisting of instinct, intuition and fear. That little voice that wants to warn you or remind you not to change is designed to keep us alive and safe. In our modern lives, the inner critic and comfort zone has become too restrictive and unsupportive of our dreams and goals. By always staying inside your comfort zone you may be blocking yourself from truly believing in yourself and thus never really reaching your potential in life. When we are tucked away safely in our comfort zone, we can see challenges as something to avoid, rather than a chance to learn and grow. We can get caught up thinking about the effort something will take rather than seeing it as worth the work to get where you want to be. Always being inside our comfort zone can feel like you don’t have control, as if you are trapped. Stepping outside of the comfort zone By deciding to step outside of your comfort zone, you invite in more possibilities, opportunities and fulfillment than you could ever dream of. You choose to be inspired by others success and achievements instead of intimidated, jealous and judgemental. You start to use their success, hard work and happiness as motivation to achieve your own! Those people who seem to have it all together, have all the luck or don’t have the same obstacles as you are actually the ones who have fought to step outside of their comfort zone. They continually challenge that inner critic that wants to keep them playing small and safe. And because they step outside their comfort zone and make friends with their inner critic, they are more in control and free. You too can learn to turn your inner critic into your guide and friend. Using your inner critic as a guide What we are most scared to do and is our biggest challenge is sometimes the exact thing we should be doing; Leaving the comfort of your job to start your own business Joining a gym and seeing a nutritionist to get healthier Studying that course you’ve been dreaming about for years Following your passions and hobbies like singing, writing, dancing or art By following the fear we can find our true path and happiness. Listen to that critical voice and challenge what you’ve been telling yourself. Turn “I can’t” into “I’m going to try”. Making friends with the inner critic, turning it into your best friend! Don’t avoid the challenges. They are life’s biggest lessons. Don’t be afraid to fail, use it as a way to learn and improve. No successful or happy person ever gets it right every time, through trial and error and embracing the challenges they became stronger and wiser, improving on their goals and skills, learning how to do better next time. When that voice comes up again, simply say “thank you for your concern and trying to keep me safe, but I want to step out of my comfort zone and grow”. Let the voice know that you are going to try and you would like its support and encouragement. Direct that voice to help support you grow and learn, and before you know it you’ll be smashing your goals and aiming even higher. With that little voice now saying to yourself; “Well done, you deserve it” “Good for them, they have worked hard to achieve their goals” “I am trying my best and I believe in myself” “Life’s challenges and obstacles help me become a better person” “I choose to follow my dreams and step outside of my comfort zone” “I embrace change and developing myself” Guest Author: Fiona Lucas

5 Steps To A Digital Detox
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