To celebrate Mother’s Day this year, we caught up with our Boody Mums to find out their thoughts on motherhood. From what they love and what surprised them to handy advice they’d give to new mums and how they’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day, our resident mums tell all.
Rhiain Palermo, Admin and Operations Manager
1. Tell us a bit about your son.
My son's name is Massimo and he's seven years old. Massimo has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), which possibly explains why he has such an extraordinary memory with numbers, places and directions. He is also really good with electronic devices. Most importantly, though, Massimo is a loving and affectionate little boy who loves cuddles and kisses.
2. What are the three best things about motherhood?
The unconditional love between us.
Experiencing small moments that cannot be explained and having the connection is priceless.
Moments when he randomly calls out "mummy love you".
3. What advice would you give would-be/soon-to-be mothers?
The only advice I would give is to sleep and rest before baby arrives. Sleep deprivation is a big part of your life when you become a mother. Take on advice as it's free, but don't take on opinions as you'll know what's right for you and your baby.
4. What is something about motherhood that surprised you or you didn't expect?
Nothing surprised me really and nothing unexpected came up.
5. How will you be spending Mother's Day?
I will be spending Mother's Day with my family having lunch. Can't wait!
Robyn Sacks, Sales Manager
1. Tell us a bit about your kids.
I have three amazing girls with whom I have a close connection. Mikayla 19, Jayda 14 and Zara 11. They are all artistic, creative and high achievers.
Mikayla is the most caring, thoughtful, level-headed 19-year-old around. We’ve always had a deep bond having emigrated from South Africa to Sydney when she was only eight months old. She is currently studying two degrees at UTS – Bachelor of Communication and Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation. In between studies she has an internship, nannies in the afternoons, waitresses on the weekend and plays netball – and somehow still enjoys hanging out with me!
Jayda is talented at singing, guitar, songwriting and socialising. She’s sporty, enjoys cross country and netball, finds time for fashion, makeup and jewellery. As a child, I remember her being easy-going, undemanding and a real pleasure to have around. Then she turned 12... and the household dynamics became more interesting and challenging! But we love it this way.
Zara is passionate about dance, gymnastics and performing, and our home is a constant buzz of music and dance routines. She is loving and affectionate and a real chatterbox from the minute she wakes up. As a toddler, she was cheerful and carefree, bright and sparkly and always exclaimed how she wanted to marry me one day.
She enjoys creating beautiful handmade cards with her sisters and I’m looking forward to receiving the next one for Mother’s Day!
2. What are the three best things about motherhood?
Nurturing and guiding my kids from the beginning right until they leave home. Or longer, if they allow it!
Family time bonding; we love sharing special experiences whether it be afternoons in the park, strolls along the beach, school/sports events, or simply meals together where we enjoy endless hours chatting about our thoughts and concerns, arguing about whose turn is next… Dinnertime is our favourite time of the evening before Bachelor in Paradise takes over!
That feeling of inner fulfilment and completion, which is totally irreplaceable.
Learning to multi-task and achieve much more than you ever imagined possible in one day! I know that’s four things, but there are just too many to mention!
3. What advice would you give would-be/soon-to-be mothers?
Sleep, dine out and socialise with your partner and friends, have fun before the fatigue and restrictions set in. And don't expect everything to work out according to plan – go with the flow and appreciate every moment.
4. What is something about motherhood that surprised you or you didn't expect?
Being so extremely busy every day and having limited time for myself. On a positive note, the closeness and emotional connection with my daughters and the joy of offering unconditional love and watching them with bliss as they reach their milestones.
5. How will you be spending Mother's Day?
Having breakfast in bed and being spoilt with love and affection all day long. I can't wait.
Maggie Kolasky, Production Manager
1. Tell us a bit about your kids.
I have two children – my son, Joseph, and my daughter, Elsie. Elsie is a social butterfly and loves meeting up with her friends. She’s creative and we have fun doing pottery workshops together. Joseph plays soccer and is constantly running up and down the hallway with his soccer ball. He has so much to say and talks so fast; we’re constantly telling him to slow down so we can understand what he’s saying.
One of my favourite things we do each day is to share what the best part of our day has been. The things the kids point out can surprise me but it always makes my heart melt.
2. What are the three best things about motherhood?
The best thing is watching your babies grow up into the gorgeous kids they are today.
The speed at which they learn and grow as babies is amazing.
I love hearing them tell me about their day and what they are thinking about.
3. What advice would you give would-be/soon-to-be mothers?
Enjoy each stage of development for what it is. Don’t be in a rush for them to get to the next one.
4. What is something about motherhood that surprised you or you didn't expect?
I’m left-handed and my son is right-handed. It was tricky helping him learn how to hold a pencil and write!
5. How will you be spending Mother's Day?
We’re having a big lunch with friends, which will be great.
Karen Azizi, Lead Product Designer
1. Tell us a bit about your kids.
I have two kids, Luke who is 15 and Eve who is 13. Luke is super sporty and has always had so much energy. He has a heart of gold, is so loving and loves playing practical jokes on all of us. Eve is also sporty but has a creative side as she loves baking and cooking and as a toddler was obsessed with craft.
Eve is so considerate and for birthdays and special occasions loves to decorate the house and make a fuss. She makes us all laugh and is always singing a tune and breaking into dance and driving her brother mad. There is never a dull moment in our house with Luke and Eve and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
2. What are the three best things about motherhood?
Unconditional love, watching them grow and lots of cuddles and laughter.
3. What advice would you give would-be/soon-to-be mothers?
Hang on tight and enjoy the ride. There will be amazing and memorable times and there will be some hard days, but at the end of the day, it’s all worth it as you watch them grow into independent, free-thinking people.
4. What is something about motherhood that surprised you or you didn't expect?
The overwhelming feeling of love when I first met them and the fact that nothing else mattered anymore. Before having children I was very career oriented and only had to worry about myself – the best and most rewarding job I have ever had is being a mother to my two kids.
5. How will you be spending Mother's Day?
Mother’s Day will start with breakfast in bed made by Luke and Eve. Then we will spend the day together catching up with grandmothers and family celebrating all the mums in our extended family.
Annie Pryor, Production Coordinator
1. Tell us a bit about your kids.
I have three gorgeous girls, Alexandra who is 13 and twins, Emily and Olivia who are 12.
Alexandra is the baker in the family and a bookworm, too. She loves playing netball and is a demon water polo player.
Emily doesn't stop – she's a nipper, swimmer, cross country runner, surfer and also plays netball and AFL. In her spare time (not that there's much!) she's either at the beach or kicking a footie around the park.
Olivia is super organised, loves the beach and plays lots of sport and especially loves diving.
2. What are the three best things about motherhood?
The laughter and cuddles – I have lost count of the times I have cried with laughter because of these three. The cuddles are just next level and make everyone feel so much better. Even when they're being stubborn and angry a cuddle can diffuse situations. Cuddles fix so many things (as long as it's not in public now – I get told off for cuddling them in front of people!).
The relationships – it blows my mind when I look back and see how much they have all developed and grown into such different little humans. The struggles they go through and watching the ways they figure things out, with or without guidance, is just phenomenal and continues to amaze me.
The love – the unconditional love between you and them. It makes my heart melt and makes me so, so grateful that these three little beings are in my life.
3. What advice would you give would-be/soon-to-be mothers?
You are in for the ride of your life and as much as it will test you and push you to your absolute limits, it is absolutely worth every single second.
Try and get some rest whenever you can and set yourself small goals for the day – even if it's to have a shower, get dressed or go for a walk. Make sure you spend time with other adults, even if it's simply grabbing a coffee and having a chat.
Don't be afraid to ask for help (one of the hardest things I found). Also, remember that when you're sleep deprived and feel like you're more exhausted than you ever thought possible, that it doesn't last forever. They'll be little teenagers before you know it and sleeping all day instead!
4. What is something about motherhood that surprised you or you didn't expect?
TWINS! When I had Alexandra there was a mum in our other group that had twins. I remember thinking it was so amazing and beautiful but never, ever imagined it would happen to me. We were completely gobsmacked when we had the 12-week scan!
I also didn't expect it to be quite as crazy and as full on as it was, there's so much to learn and take in. It can be a struggle at times but you just need to remember that it doesn't last forever.
5. How will you be spending Mother's Day?
It's actually my birthday this year too so I'll be having extra fun! The girls are playing AFL in the morning so we'll be going for lunch after that and then eating birthday cake all afternoon!
Has Mother’s Day crept up on you this year? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. One minute it’s Christmas, the next it’s Easter and then suddenly we’re being reminded to send Mum a card and flowers!
Well, don’t worry, Boody fans. A Boody eGift Card is all you need to give Mum the gift of comfort this year. She'll thank you for it!
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