
8 New Year's Resolutions to Be Happier in 2017

Karla Layton July 09, 2020
8 New Year's Resolutions to Be Happier in 2017

The time has come round again to set goals for the new year ahead. But before we do that, let’s really consider our resolutions.

Because if they’re too big, unrealistic or out of alignment with the internal view of ourselves - it’s unlikely that they’re going to last, according to Psychology Professor Peter Herman.

However if our goals are small and support us in developing desirable habits, we are more likely to keep these resolutions.

Here at Boody we are all about feel good New Year's Resolutions. Which is why we have created a list of our favourites that will inspire you to be the happiest version of you, moment by moment.

New Year Resolutions for 2017

  • 1. Living better is living with less

  • We’ve all heard the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and ‘living with less’, but what about the closet that is your brain too? Reflecting on the year that’s been, have you wasted too much energy on depleting things that make you unhappy? Now is the perfect time to check in with ourselves. Are your daily actions and activities aligned with your personal values and what truly matters to you? Check out Alexandra Franzen's incredible tips here on cleaning your life and calendar for good.

    2. Live in Harmony With your Convictions

    What kind of energy are you exuding when you're living your truth? How do you act differently, talk differently, think and even breathe differently? According to Spiritual Guru Gabrielle Bernstein distinguishing between what it feels like to be in your truth vs. what it feels like to be in your ego is the trick to helping you live authentically. Even writing this down will help you take action consistently and maintain your personal power instead of relying on external circumstances. Then show up and commit.

    3. Eating healthy depends on you (and only you)

    Your body really is your temple. Maybe you feel like you’ve let yourself down with past New Year's resolutions because you tried a diet or eating plan that didn’t work. But there’s a very good reason for that. Because it isn’t a one size fits all. Nutritionist, Author and Health Blogger Jessica Sepel says we are all biochemically unique, and in a world where we are inundated with information, we need to tune in within ourselves. This includes a wholefood plate and balanced lifestyle.

    4. Be a better consumer for a better world

    We can’t radically change our environment overnight. But if we start on January 1 and repeat a positive deed for 365 days, then a greater change will happen. You can start with your daily cup of coffee.

    It is estimated Australians use 1 billion disposable coffee cups each year and it is the second-largest contributor to litter waste after plastic bottles. - ABC News

    Opt for a reusable coffee cup or have your coffee in-house.

    Another simple yet incredibly positive change is to educate yourself by checking labels and certifications of the products you use from beauty, household cleaning and clothing. For example, Boody's processes are certified ECOCERT, WRAP, “Confidence in Textiles” (refer to our FAQ to learn more).

    5. Eliminate negativity

    A lot of our fears are based on choices we have to make and the fear of getting it wrong. But what if there is no right or wrong choice and every choice we make is the right one? What if people’s negativity they put onto us is only a projection of their own fears? Harnessing these very powerful thoughts is an incredible tool to eliminating negativity and boosting our self-confidence. Here’s 30 powerful quotes on failure to motivate you into success

    Move your body and mind

    Wearing Boody Padded Shaper Crop Bra & Full Leggings

    6. Move your mind and your body

    Summer is the perfect time to soak up the outdoors and exercise in harmony with the environment. Maybe there’s a hike you would like to accomplish, go paddle-boarding with a group of friends, or take up yoga on the beach instead of a studio. Being a new year, this is also a perfect time to rev up your meditation and inner-reflection - even if it’s just ten minutes a day. Free mobile apps like HeadSpace can help you do just that. Visualise your desires and harness the feeling of joy it brings you, so you feel inspired to take action throughout the day.

    7. Stay optimistic

    This isn’t just a belief, but a lifestyle. It is entirely up to you how you choose to live your greatest life. So instead of beating yourself up when things don’t go the way you planned, allow life to be and realise it is all happening for you. There is always something to take from each and every moment. Feelings don’t need to be labelled good or bad but just feelings that are part of the human experience. The same goes for living your day to day life, it is your thinking that shapes your experiences.

    8. Just do it!

    Going back to point five, if you eliminate the fear of making a choice and just do it anyway, you’re going to take something away from it and add to your self-growth regardless of the outcome. So challenge yourself, surprise yourself, inspire others and make 2017 your most kick-butt year to date!

    Here’s to a Happy and Healthy 2017! We’ve got some new styles just in time for the New Year. Shop summer whites in our Boody Women’s range here

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    How To Check Your Breasts

    What’s the first thing you think to look for when you hear the phrase ‘check your breasts’? It’s often the idea that you’re looking for a lump. Right? Did you know that there are actually 12 symptoms of breast cancer that can help you be more confident to report a persistent breast change? We bet you also didn't know that the changes to look out for are very similar for both women and men. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, with 9 people losing their lives to the disease every day. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation Australia, 1 in 7 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime and about 1 in 700 men are diagnosed with the disease too. But thanks to research the ​​relative survival rate for breast cancer in Australia has improved from 76% to 91%. As a brand that creates intimates - it seemed fit for us to use our platform to talk to breast cancer and use the month of October to simply be breast aware - because if you grow them, you should know them.  So, what should my breasts feel like? Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge that only you can really know your breasts. The way breasts look and feel will vary for every person. That is why it is so important to be breast aware as this will ensure you can acknowledge a change - if there is one. Remember, October is a reminder to check your breasts - but checking should be made part of your monthly routine. “Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” Source: What are the 12 symptoms? The following 12 signs are things to be aware of. Yes, sometimes it is just your body but a change noticed that is persistent - is best checked by your doctor. It is important to note, different people have different symptoms of breast cancer. Some people do not have any signs or symptoms at all. New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit) Thickening or swelling of part of the breast Irritation or dimpling of breast skin Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area Nipple discharge other than breast milk Any change in the size or the shape of the breast Changes in the shape of the nipple Pain in any area of the breast Growing veins Nipple retraction Thickening of the nipple or breast skin How should A breast self-exam be performed? In the Shower With the pads/flats of your 3 middle fingers, check the entire breast and armpit area pressing down with light, medium, and firm pressure. Check both breasts each month feeling for any lump, thickening, hardened knot, or any other breast changes. In Front of a Mirror  Visually inspect your breasts with your arms at your sides. Next, raise your arms high overhead. Look for any changes in the contour, any swelling, or dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipples. Next, rest your palms on your hips and press firmly to flex your chest muscles. Left and right breasts will not exactly match—few women’s breasts do, so look for any dimpling, puckering, or changes, particularly on one side. Lying Down When lying down, the breast tissue spreads out evenly along the chest wall. Place a pillow under your right shoulder and your right arm behind your head. Using your left hand, move the pads of your fingers around your right breast gently covering the entire breast area and armpit. Use light, medium, and firm pressure. Squeeze the nipple; check for discharge and lumps. Repeat these steps for your left breast. What does a lump feel like? A new lump is one of the most common signs of breast cancer. Lumps that are breast cancers can vary. For example, they may be painless or painful. Lumps can also be a sign of a benign (non-cancerous) breast condition. However, if you have found a new lump or breast change, it is important to see your doctor so that it can be checked by a health professional. When should I see a doctor? A breast change doesn't always mean it is ‘cancer’. However, being breast aware is invaluable and if you do see a sign, have a symptom, don't feel right or simply just want to be sure - we encourage it! Early detection gives the best possible chance of survival if you are diagnosed with breast cancer. It is important to remember that breast awareness does not replace having regular mammograms and other screening tests as recommended by your doctor. Some people diagnosed with breast cancer have signs or symptoms. However, some women have no signs/symptoms and the breast cancer is found during a screening mammogram. How often should I get a mammogram? In general, women should have a yearly clinical breast examination by a doctor beginning at age 20 and start having annual mammograms beginning at age 40. BreastScreen Australia offers free mammograms to women aged between 40 and 74 years. If you experience any breast symptoms or unusual changes, see your doctor without delay. If you have a strong family history or you are concerned that you may have an increased risk of breast cancer, always talk to your doctor. Your doctor will help you assess and manage your breast cancer risk and will advise of any additional precautions or screening you may require. Mammograms are not recommended for male breast cancer screening in Australia. However, other tools to check include a clinical breast examination, an ultrasound and a biopsy.  So, do men get breast cancer? So many people assume breast cancer affects women only. Breast cancer affects both men and women, because men and women both have breast tissue. About 1 in 700 men are diagnosed with breast cancer* in Australia. If you are a man or are reading this and have men in your life - it is important to make them always aware and let them know that if there are any new and unusual changes to their breasts - they should be aware and seek attention. Our platform is open to #EveryBoody For the month of October, we will use our platform to talk to breast cancer awareness and share insights through personal stories. Our platform is open to #EveryBoody. If you have a story you would like to share, want to share someone else's story or have someone you want to give a shout out to - please reach out to us. We would be honoured to share your story and your message. As one of the most common cancers in the world and a cancer that has touched so many in one way or another - simply starting the conversation and education pieces like this will help lead to an increased awareness.  Contact to share a story.  Sources:,,,

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    Home. It’s where you’ll find most of us these days. The shift in routine, workstations and how time is spent has meant a change in attire too. Comfort-first is a mantra we’re all about and something we’re reaching for more than ever. Our collection of organically grown bamboo sleepwear and loungewear essentials are soft, simple and sustainable. Organically grown bamboo is highly breathable, comfy and soft. It is perfect for garments that sit close to the skin like underwear, socks, sleepwear and loungewear essentials.  So, whether your plans as of late consist of organising your wardrobe, labelling your spice drawer, baking many many cakes, writing journal entries, working remotely or binging your favourite TV show - do so in something that's good for you and good for the planet.  Our essentials are comfort-first, lounge-worthy and perfect for easy days. Our timeless designs, fits and colours are versatile and made for home and beyond.  Discover an easy to wear collection of pants, layering pieces, jumpers and accessories that are made for you to be comfortable and feel comfortable in.  So go on, make yourself a cup of herbal tea and place yourself in the corner of the lounge (our biased opinion of the best spot). Now that you have made yourself comfortable, keep reading our list of 5 lounge-worthy essentials.  The Downtime Lounge Pant Okay, we’re just going to call it. They’re the most comfortable pants you’ll ever own. Our Downtime Lounge Pants are soft to the touch and light to wear. Crafted with a wide waistband, a gently-snug draped fit, a tapered leg and comfortable, fitted ankle cuffs. These easy to lounge in pants are complete with side pockets - perfect for snacks, phones and remotes that definitely won’t get lost in the lounge again. Pair back with our Downtime Lounge Top for the best loungewear combo for comfort.  The Matching Set It's the new leisure suit, with plenty of stretch and comfort. The matching set is our go-to for long days spent at home and perfect for zooming, lounging and napping. With little effort, a matching loungewear set allows you to look put together with ease - simply match the colour from top to bottom and you’re good to go.  Our favourite matching sets? Try the Downtime Lounge Top and Pants in timeless colours Storm and Black. Discover Athleisure - the perfect balance of comfort wear and low impact activity wear, crafted in a breathable blend of organically grown bamboo and organic cotton. Made to warm up, cool down and lounge around in.  The saying goes, if it matches it counts as an outfit right? Discover our soft, simple, and sustainable sleepwear collection, made with organic bamboo to create the most comfortable pj’s. Earth inspired colours Storm, Dove, Dusty Pink and Black make this matching sleepwear set look so put together, crafted in luxuriously soft sustainable materials - no one will pick you’re even in your pyjamas.  The Layering Hero Curl up on the lounge in our round-up of investment, timeless staples that play well inside and out., our certified organically grown bamboo pyjamas, loungewear and athleisure are comfy, breathable and soft to touch. Organically grown bamboo is thermoregulating and anti-static, making it perfect for garments that sit close to the skin. Naturally eco-friendly and hypoallergenic - wear our basics on their own or layer. Discover our Women's Long Sleeve Round Neck T-Shirt, Long Sleeve Bodysuit and Cami Top. The best part - our basics are so versatile and perfect for home and beyond. Ahh, now you’re comfy.  The Answer To Toasty Toes Perfect for cosy days at home. Our Chunky Bed Socks are soft, comfy and warm. Featuring a loose leg opening and two-tone colour weave, our Chunky Bed Socks will fall softly on your foot and sit comfortably mid-calf. Crafted in a thick, soft knit for all-over comfort, our warm bed socks for women will keep you warm and cosy and won't slip. Now we have that sorted. Extra snacks for family movie time? Check. Facemask on? Check. Essential oils burning? Check. The Wrap-Yourself-In-This-All-Day A versatile way to add a little warmth to keep you cosy on the inside and out. Our Cosy Knit Wrap is 100% organically grown bamboo and 100% soft, warm and easy. The Cosy Knit Wrap is crafted in a heavyweight true knit. Luxuriously soft and premium to touch, the Cosy Knit Wrap is made with a two-tone effect and soft drape and is that extra piece of warmth you will reach for. Discover in Storm, Dove, Dusty Pink and Black.  Shop and discover more sleepwear, loungewear and accessories and tag us in your best lounge looks @boody. #EveryBoody